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B.A. Psychology - NAU

 M.A Philosophy - ASU

Phd student at UC-San Diego


INTERESTS: cultural evolution and philosophy of psychedelics




The Epistemology of Psychedelic Experience.



Edited by Rob Lovering.



Review of Aidan Lyon’s “Psychedelic Experience.” Philosophical Psychology.






Review of Kim Sterelny's The Pleistocene Social Contract:

Culture and Cooperation in Human Evolution


The Quarterly Review of Biology. 2022.

Article link.

Long blog version here.




The role of social reinforcement in norm transmission and cultural evolution.


Biology & Philosophy. (2023). Link. 








Can the California School Avoid Evolutionary Psychology? (2023).


Presented at the European Philosophy of Science Association,

Belgrade Serbia.




Popper's (cultural?) Evolutionary Epistemology (2022).


Presented at the Bulgarian Society for Analytic Philosophy.




Cultural Evolution and Epistemology (2022).


Presented at ASU Grad conference and at

Utrecht University Graduate Conference.  




Trust, Knowledge, and Epistemically Safe Networks (2021).


Presented at the HAPSAT conference.  


Conference site




Expressivistic Instrumentalism, Presented at the

10th European Congress of Analytic Philosophy (2020).


Click on the Conference site.




Epistemology as a System of Hypothetical Imperatives (2020).


Presented at the Aristotelian Society Joint Session.


Click for the video




The Normativity of Logic (2019).


Invited presentation at Shanxi University, China.




How to Argue for Bayesianism. Presented at The Society for the Study

of the History of Analytical Philosophy, Boston 2019.


Conference site.




Carnap and the Philosophy of Religion (2017).


Presented at The ASU graduate conference and The Evangelical Philosophical Society,

Ontario California.



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